We are very glad that Chungtsang Rinpoche will visit Jewel Heart again in May 2020.
Below you will find the schedule. As soon as all times are known, we will let you know on this page.
From Thursday 21 to Monday 25 May he will give a Yamantaka Initiation with comentary lessons.
On Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 May he gives lessons about 'De twaalf schakels van onderling afhankelijk bestaan'.
Friday evening June 5 at 7.30 pm he will give a lecture about the 'Four Noble Truths'.
Saturday June 6 from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm he teaches about the 'Four Noble Truths'.
Sunday 7 June in the morning he will give a blessing from Avalokiteshvara.
Followed by a joint lunch of Sangha and Chungtsang Rinpoche.
More detailed information about exact times and how you can register will follow soon.