Uit de oude doos: Brief over onze geadopteerde monnik

Regelmatig zullen we stukjes uit oude nieuwsbrieven en Jewel Heart Magazine voor het voetlicht brengen. Gewoon, omdat sommige stukken inhoudelijk de moeite waard zijn om te herhalen, een ander licht kunnen werpen op onderwerpen die op dit moment ‘hot’ zijn, of omdat ze simpelweg grappig zijn om weer terug te zien, met de ogen van nu.

Chungtsang Rinpoche 13 jaarIn 1992 was Jewel Heart Nederland op zoek naar een sponsormonnik. (Het Hélène van Hoorn-fonds was hiervoor in het leven geroepen.) Gelek Rimpoche stelde voor om de opleiding van de toen 13-jarige Tenzin Kalsang, ofwel Chungtsang Rinpoche, financieel te gaan ondersteunen. In de Jewel Heart Nieuwsbrief werd toen een korte biografie geplaatst van Rinpoche, zoals toegestuurd door het klooster. Ook vonden we in dezelfde nieuwsbrief een handgeschreven bedankbrief, ondertekend door Geshe Phuntsok Rabten en Chungtsang Rinpoche.


brief over onze geadopteerde monnik

Foto biografie Chungtsang RinpocheIn de vorige Nieuwsbrief schreven we dat Tenzin Kalsang onze jonge lama is die we gaan sponsoren. Onderstaand vindt U een korte biografie van hem die wij onlangs ontvingen en ongewijzigd hier publiceren.

Tibet constitute three provincial state of U-Tsang, Kham and Amdo. Among them Chong-Tsang Rinpoche took birth in Dakyab of Kham Province where amongst myriad of incarnate lamas, Dakyab  Chay Tsang and Chong-Tsang has special position of being historically importance. In retrospection to historical fact, he stood among Jo-Ngog-Dom trio, luminary and phenomenal figure of 11th century who contributed immensely to enrich the stainless Kadampa tradition and flourish it. Essentially, Chong-Tsang is coming in the chain of incarnate from Ngog Legpay Shearp and present is the eight in line of successors. His predecessor became adept master and unsurpassed meditation instructor. With the completion of Geshe Lharampa examination, he trained several students in the practice of Buddhism and gave transmission of Kangyur and Tengyur in then Drepung. Since he being accomplished scholar himself, produced many polymath having authority on both Sutrayana and Tantrayana. He did not live long to see 1959 debacle of Tibet going under chinese subjugation and thus for larger interest of sentient beings in infinite planets in Universe, he choosed 1958 to breathe his last.

In 1984 several disciples and aspirants of late Chong-Tsang beseeched H.H. the Dalai Lama of his whereabout and immediately search party were despatched to Nepal according to the divination conducted by His Holiness. In 1985, six year child Tenzin Woeser presents aura and charm that could not leave mark of doubt to have been of Chong-Tsang Rinpoche anyway, got approval of H.H. the Dalai Lama and formal tonsure celebretion conducted by no less person than His Holiness himselff during Kala-chakra and given novice name of Tenzin Kalsang Jigmey. He got matriculated to Nyare Khamtsen of Loseling faculty of Drepung Monastery and formally enthroned with traditional rites and proceeding in 1987. Today, he attained the age of thirteen and progressing in his pursuit of education.

28th August 1992

Dear L. Kosse & all the members of Jewel Heart,Foto bedankbrief Chungtsang Rinpoche 1992

Thank you very much for your kind letter, dated 25th July 1992 and recently received the amount in our bank account, so there was no problem for sending your money through bank.

Here we all are quite fine and Tenzin is devoting much time on Buddhism & Tibetan language. Some time he is also trying to learn English language.

We were also glad to learn that you are going to publish Tenzin Photo in your newsletter. Therefore, very soon, I am going to send you Tenzin's photo along with brief history for your newsletter.

We once again thanks for your kind help and convey our heartfelt thanks to all the members of JEWEL HEART!

Yours sincerely,

Geshe Phuntsok Rabten & Tenzin Kalsang



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